A team from Baylor University exposed adult lab rats to alcohol and put them through a number of tasks, including a swimming maze and a coordination test. Although the older rats kept pace with their younger counterparts before boozing, physical and cognitive performance dropped significantly among the whiskered seniors after the alcohol dose. Coordination, balance, and memory all suffered, the study authors say.   But before you chalk this up to a rodent-only effect, rats and people share a remarkable number of biological similarities—meaning alcohol’s effect on rodents is very likely to translate to people, the researchers say. What caused this jump in impairment? Several factors—including altered liver function and changes in brain chemistry and body fat composition—are likely to blame, explains study coauthor Douglas Matthews, PhD, who researches neuroscience at Baylor. Specifically, the loss of lean muscle mass and the addition of fat as you age may boost the amount of alcohol your body absorbs.  Falls, auto accidents, and inadvertently skipping medication doses are all likely outcomes of the increased alcohol impairment, Matthews adds. He says those around the age of retirement—roughly age 60 and up—should be most wary of changes in alcohol tolerance. Stumbles and altered walking gait are the likeliest first signs of a problem, Matthews explains. What can you do about it? Apart from cutting down on the number of drinks you have, eat a meal with your evening cocktail, advises study coauthor J.L. Diaz-Granados, PhD, chair of the department of psychology and neuroscience at Baylor. Your body absorbs roughly 60% less alcohol when your stomach is full. More from Prevention: The Unhappy Side of Happy Hour