(The 21-day plan in Love Your Age is the life-changing reset every 40+ woman needs!)

Move as much as you can.

“I take yoga, ballet, strength training, and body alignment classes three to four times a week. I still dance—and teach Pilates and barre classes—every chance I get.” —Sarita Allen, 53, New York City (You can sculpt your arms and tighten your tummy with the energizing—and fun—routines from Prevention’s Flat Belly Barre!)

Hang out with youngsters.

“I take my 15-year-old niece and 6-year-old nephew on ‘Auntie dates.’ My niece and I will get our nails done and go shopping. She keeps me up to date on the latest trends and ’lingo’ (most of which I don’t understand…LOL). My nephew and I will race (he usually wins), throw a ball around, or take a bike ride. Just listening to him is hilarious. For instance, I never knew how serious it was if your shirt was tucked into your pants or not. This seems to be a big deal with kids his age!” —Tracey Smith, 50, Philadelphia MORE: 5 Simple Ways To Help Your Kids Beat The Heat​

Never slow down.

“I’ve been a jogger for 45 years and my wife and I travel to do bike rides; we just did a four-day, 160-mile ride in Louisiana, and last weekend did a 50-mile ride here in Minnesota. I’m usually up at 5 AM to jog, and, in the summertime, I bike to work 20 miles round trip a few times a week.” —Mike Gottsacker, 63, St. Paul, MN  (If you’re over 40 and want to start running for the first time, here’s what you need to know.) 

Lift weights.

“There’s nothing like working out to keep you feeling young. I’ve been lifting weights for about four years and my increased strength makes me feel 10 years younger. Little everyday things like climbing the subway stairs and hauling groceries that had been starting to feel challenging are a walk in the park now!” —Noelle Nieva Machens, 52, Brooklyn, NY (If you’re a woman over 50, you need to incorporate these 10 strength-training exercises into your workout routine.) Tone your tummy with this ab-strengthing move: ​ ​

Find time to meditate.

“I think my 20-minute-a-day meditation practice has helped alleviate stress and handle chaos. I lost my husband last fall after a 10-year battle with cancer, and without meditation I think the stress would have overtaken me. In addition to helping me through my grief, it’s eliminated any fear of trying new things as I get older. On my 50th birthday, shortly after my husband died, I started training to becoming a holistic health coach. I’ll graduate when I’m 51. Next up: I’m planning to walk the Camino de Santiago by myself—it’s a 500-mile hike through northern Spain. The second half of my first century is going to be the most exciting time for me.” —Lorri Weisen, 50, Minneapolis, MN (This is how meditation could be the missing piece of your weight loss puzzle, from Prevention Premium.) 

Walk the dog.

“Fresh air on my face and good music coming through my earbuds early in the morning as I walk the dog makes me feel like a teenager and sets me up for a healthy day—every day.” —Renée Jones, 55, Arlington, TX PREVENTION PREMIUM: 50 Best Walks In America 

Take risks.

“Get a little scraped or bruised—it will make you feel like a kid again. I started playing roller derby over 10 years ago and it has singularly helped me stay young.” —Meghan Dougherty, 51, Denver MORE: The 5 Rules Of Reinventing Your Life At Any Age

Don’t dwell on the past.

“If you find yourself thinking about how good things used to be, find a new hobby or read some compelling non-fiction like The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. The key is to do things that make you feel engaged with life.” —David Tyler, 51, Montreal

Banish the phrase “I’m too old.”

“Don’t let age stop you from trying something new. (There are tons of advantages to getting older—check them out here.) You might not have elite athletic skills at an older age and you might not become a music virtuoso, but so what? If you enjoy it and learn something, it’s worth it. At age 51 I became a boxing columnist; I now attend and cover fights in Southern California and Las Vegas. I may be an odd sight standing in my Chucks on the lip of a boxing ring with a camera, but I’ve been named Sportswriter of the Year twice by the Society of Professional Journalists, San Diego Chapter.” —Gayle Falkenthal, 57, San Diego