Avocado Only 1% of avocado samples show any detectable pesticides. Plus, their skin is so thick that the meat inside is safely protected. Give them a good rinse before slicing open, for good measure. Sweet Corn It takes a lot of fertilizer to grow, but the layers sheathing the kernels protect the cob from pesticide residue. Tropical Fruit Pineapples, mangoes, papayas, and kiwis all have tough skins that we don’t consume. Generally, they’re protected from pesticides, but it’s always a good idea to rinse before you slice. Cabbage This superfood (hello, beta carotene) is a natural fighter and doesn’t require much harsh pesticide spraying to grow. MORE: The Imposters That May Be Hiding In Your Olive Oil Onions Onions naturally don’t attract as many pests, which eliminates the need for spraying. When shopping, look for firm skin with no visible signs of damage or soft spots. Asparagus Believe it or not, asparagus isn’t typically threatened by pests and disease. This is good news for the wallet, since even conventional asparagus comes at a pretty penny. Eggplant Thank the thick skin of the eggplant for creating a pesticide barrier. For the ripest veggie, look for a firm and glossy exterior. Cantaloupe Another case of thick skin here—the sweet, ripe fruit inside is safe from pesticide contamination. Sweet Potatoes These root veggies are low on the EWG’s list of produce contaminated with pesticides. Whether you plan to eat the skin or not, give your sweet potatoes a good scrub before cooking them. The article “You Can Buy These Nonorganic Foods + Still Eat Pesticide-Free” originally ran on RodalesOrganicLife.com.