Take Our Survey & Win A Year Of Snacks Delivered To Your Door! But when you stop and think about it, there are undeniable perks to being single. So in honor of National Singles Week, we’ve rounded up some little known (study-backed) benefits of swinging solo that will have you rejoicing over your hiatus from the dating pool. 5 Unique First Date Ideas To Try Tonight

  1. You Stay Trim And Fit When we get comfortable in our relationships, we tend to get a little too comfortable in our diets. In a UK study, 62 percent of couples surveyed said they gained weight after committing to a serious relationship. Guess all those dinner dates and cuddle seshes pack on the pounds. Meanwhile, you’re at the night club impressing that cute stranger with your dance moves. Which sounds better to you? The Top 10 Qualities Men Are Secretly Looking For In A Girlfriend
  2. You Have A Healthier Social Life We’ve all had that one friend who ditched you for their newly-nabbed significant other. Annoying, right? Well, it turns out you may be better off unattached. It’s no secret that couples can have a hard time making new friends and research shows that married people are less attentive to their family, friends, and neighbors. In fact, in a Journal of Marriage and Family study published last year, researchers found that both men and women spent less time with friends and family than they did when they were single. So don’t ditch your girls on singles night at the karaoke bar! Click here to continue reading this story on YourTango.com