Some global warming effects are obvious. For one thing, it’s getting harder to ignore the rising temps—in fact, the federal government has declared that 2012 was the hottest year on record—and the raging fires and powerful storms aren’t exactly subtle. But there are additional, not-so-obvious issues being exacerbated by higher global temperatures: Obesity. Droughts driven by climate change are poised to increase food prices, which can lead to obesity, finds a series of letters recently published in the American Journal of Public Health. In particular, droughts tend to raise prices on healthier foods, particularly vegetables and fruits, as well as on dairy, eggs, and meat.  Poor nutrition. In addition to higher prices for healthy foods, climate change could make those foods less nutritious. According to the newest National Climate Assessment from the US Global Change Research Program, elevated levels of carbon dioxide have been found to lower the nitrogen and protein content of grains, and decrease the levels of calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamins in fruits and vegetables. Food that messes with hormones. Higher temperatures will mean that weeds grow faster and bigger, yielding an increase in herbicide use, according to that same government report. Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the US, is suspected of interfering with hormones.  Contaminated fish. At a recent United Nations meeting, scientists presented research suggesting that climate change might exacerbate the levels of mercury in our food chain. One reason: Arctic ice deflects mercury in the air as a gas, so as we lose our polar ice stores, more atmospheric mercury lands directly in the water, where it builds up in the fatty tissues of fish. (Is your fish safe? Find out if you’re A Victim Of Fish Fraud.) More birth defects. A number of studies have found that a high fever during certain critical stages of a mother’s pregnancy can trigger birth defects in babies. As it turns out, heat waves and high temperatures have the same effect. In one recent study, experts noted that mothers who experienced heat waves during their pregnancies were more likely to give birth to infants with congenital cataracts—the leading cause of preventable blindness.  Scary stuff, for sure, but you don’t have to accept climate change as inevitable. Here, five ways to combat the problem: Demand organic. Organic farms use 45% less energy (reducing the need for globe-warming fossil fuels) and produce 40% fewer greenhouse-gas emissions. Not only that, but organic farms don’t need herbicides like Roundup, a chemical linked to DNA damage, infertility, and low sperm counts. (Confused about groceries? Find out What To Always Buy Organic.) Sign up for a CSA. Community-supported agriculture programs allow you to buy produce directly from a farmer at the start of the growing season, which helps guard against sharp increases in food prices that can make cheap, unhealthy food so attractive. If that’s not an option, try one of these 7 Cheap Ways To Eat Healthy. Turn down the thermostat. Yes, it’ll save energy and keep tons of greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere, but cooler temps will also help you lose weight, according to a 2006 study from the International Journal of Obesity. Your metabolism speeds up in the winter to keep you warm, the study notes, but when you’re in a constant state of shirt-sleeves comfort, the body’s warming system doesn’t work as hard.  Walk more. Transportation accounts for nearly 30% of global greenhouse-gas emissions, yet the World Health Organization estimates that 3.2 million deaths from non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, could be prevented if people were more active. Need more convincing? A recent study in the journal Preventive Medicine found that walking just one extra mile every day instead of driving led to weight loss comparable to eating 100 fewer calories per day. Cut down on meat. Good for you, good for the planet, and good for animals. Reducing your consumption of animal products by 30% can curb your risk of heart disease by 15%. Plus, agriculture—much of it due to rearing animals—contributes to 12% of global greenhouse-gas emissions.  Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team!