1. You’re bored. Write a list of different locations and songs on various slips of paper. Then place the slips in a jar, pull one out every time you set out for a walk, and follow through with that change, suggests Judy Heller, a personal trainer in Portland, Oregon, and the founder of Wonders of Walking. Switching walking partners will help, too, and you can even create your own walking group. “You might find somebody else who can walk a little faster or who has a different attitude,” Fenton says. “She might challenge you to go a little faster or to take on hills or to do something you haven’t done before.” (Trying to walk for weight loss? Try the 8-week plan in Walk Off Weight and lose up to 22 pounds!)
  2. You’re feeling lots of aches and pains. While it’s normal to be sore after hiking up a huge hill for the first time in a month, hurting every day isn’t. Looking at your reflection can help in fixing your posture to alleviate some pain. “Check yourself out when you go by some sort of window—be it car or office building,” Heller says. You might realize that you’ve been bending at the waist or slouching the whole time. Then, when you get home, roll out the area that’s bothering you with these foam roller exercises; research shows that massaging the body can reduce stiffness by 40%. Also, if you’ve been walking in the same kicks for the past year, it’s time to switch ’em out. “You shouldn’t wear your shoes beyond when they’ve stopped giving you good cushioning and support,” says Mark Fenton, associate professor at Tufts University and national public health consultant. “If you’re a regular walker, you’ll want to change them after six months, though some people get eight months out of a shoe and it won’t give them an injury.” Check out our sneaker guide to find the right pair for you. MORE: 6 Exercises Every Trainer Wishes You’d Do
  3. You’re not seeing results. There’s nothing more frustrating than hard work with zero improvement. If that’s the case, it’s probably time to switch up your routine. “Anything that varies the workout is beneficial. Exercise science teaches us that changing the stress on your body causes it to adapt—that’s what getting in shape is,” Fenton says. “Vary the intensity, the speed, and the duration of the walk. These are the things you can change—how far you go, how fast you go, and how difficult the terrain is.” And adding a piece of equipment, like a Nordic walking pole or a weighted vest, will increase the intensity even if you maintain the same speed. MORE: 3 Moves For Shapelier Shoulders
  4. You’re losing motivation. It’s time to find a new challenge! Training for a hike or a race will not only push you to work harder, but you’ll also be motivated to conquer another challenge later on (and it doesn’t have to involve the Grand Canyon, though those views would be some serious bonus points). “There could be a really cool park in your state that has an amazing hike or waterfall that you’ve never done before,” Fenton says. Explore the trails your city has to offer, and then invest in a fitness tracker or keep a fitness journal during your training. “I didn’t think I would be a big fan, but I got a smartwatch that counts your steps, and I’m amazed at how often I think, ‘I only walked 10,000 steps today—I want to do more,’” says race-walking coach Jeff Salvage, founder of RaceWalk.com. “Getting a training program from a coach would also really help.”
  5. You see walking as a chore. Rather than count down how much time you have left, focus on your surroundings and really try to enjoy what you’re seeing and feeling, Heller suggests. And living in a neighborhood without sidewalks can be a real bummer for your fitness goals because let’s face it: Hopping in your car and driving 30 minutes just to walk on a path for 20 isn’t exactly ideal. “Become an advocate and help build a sidewalk or trail,” Fenton says. “You’d have a sense of ownership and pride because you helped create it. You’d also make your street safer, and there’s some permanence to that.” Visit America Walks or Every Body Walk to find out how to get started.