So says Nicholas Dodman, director of the animal behavior section at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. The author of best sellers The Dog Who Loved Too Much and The Cat Who Cried for Help, Dodman founded one of the first animal behavior clinics in the United States and has spent 30 years researching and treating animal behavior problems. As part of his many studies, Dodman determined the genetic cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder in dogs. Dodman says our pets can suffer from the same mental illnesses that we do. A cat continually licks the fur right off her tummy: could be obsessive-compulsive disorder. A dog cowers at the vacuum, balloons, or hat-wearing men: anxiety. Dodman has even diagnosed Tourette’s syndrome in horses, which he refers to as “horses who bark too much.” Turns out only a small percentage of a pet’s dodgy behavior is genetic. So it’s possible that you’re the reason your pet is nuts. Take this how-crazy-are-you-making-your-pet quiz. Q: When you see someone out walking their cat, do you think they’re crazy?If so, trace your own cat’s afternoon “zoomies” to a lack of exercise. Dogs and cats need at least 30 minutes of exercise a day; some dogs need much more. Daily activity helps curb destructive behavior. Play fetch. Go to dog parks. Jog together. Let your cat chase a laser pointer or other cat toy. Q: Is your dog on a gluten-free diet?Dogs easily digest grains, so there’s no reason to put them on your gluten-free diet—and there are great reasons not to, says Dodman. Grain-free dog food may be too protein rich. In a study, Dodman fed kibble containing varying amounts of protein to dogs with behavior issues. Aggressiveness dropped when dogs ate low-protein kibble but worsened on the high-protein food. (Speaking of gluten, ) “Dogs need dry food that’s 18% protein,” Dodman says. Your cat’s dry food should contain 30% protein. Behavior problems can also be linked to food allergies, he says. If, in addition to nutty antics, your pet has itchy, scabbed skin or other symptoms, talk with your vet about allergy testing.  Q: Do you work full time?Boredom can breed behavior issues. Doggy day care is a great option, but if you can’t afford it, make your home interesting. “Stimulate all your pet’s senses,” suggests Kristen Collins, an animal behaviorist who heads the ASPCA Rehabilitation Center in Madison, NJ. Put something fragrant, such as lavender, chamomile, or grass, inside toilet paper tubes. Fold up the ends and hide tubes for your dog to discover during the day. Or place treats inside Kong-type toys and hide those, Collins suggests. Rotate toys to prevent boredom, and leave the TV on when you’re out. And when you get home, snuggle with your pet. Because she’s likely had a hard day, too. More from Prevention: 5 High-Tech Ways To Keep Your Pets Entertained  Q: Are you a bit stressed out?“Dogs are very good at reading body language. They might not understand what is going on, but they pick up on our anxiety,” says Collins. One of the best ways to calm your anxious pet is to calm yourself. Consider having a Zen hour every day, during which you play soothing music, keep distractions to a minimum, and just sit quietly and snuggle with your pet.