Yup, you read that right. Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley set out to see if flirting, or “feminine charm”—which researchers defined as equal parts friendliness and flirtatiousness—would create a positive impression in workplace negotiation. Why go there? Flirting’s already known to be an effective strategy for getting one’s way, says lead study author Laura Kray, PhD, a professor at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, but how it would translate in the boardroom wasn’t as clear. So in a series of experiments, Kray and her team assigned participants a bargaining style—feminine charm or neutral—to act out in negotiating scenarios, such as selling a car to a potential buyer or talking up the benefits of a contract. The results showed that negotiators who relied on charm were perceived as friendlier, more effective, and more understanding in comparison to those using a neutral style. “If the right balance is struck between friendliness and flirtatiousness, then female negotiators can derive economic benefits,” says Kray. The key—and this is a big one, obviously—is not crossing the line. Here are four tips for flirting at work without looking unprofessional: Have a heart. “Even though people are at work, they’re still human beings,” says certified life coach and dating expert Tracey Steinberg. “People want to be around other people that make them feel good.” And you can accomplish that by shooting a coworker a smile, using direct eye contact in conversation, or acknowledging recent successes. More from Prevention: 5 Biggest Flirting Hang-Ups—Solved! Say something nice. Compliments are as rewarding as cold hard cash, finds a study from the Japan National Institute for Physiological Sciences. Researchers found that praise activates similar areas of the brain that light up in response to a financial windfall. Don’t know what to say? Steinberg suggests focusing on your colleague’s passions, like food, music, or sports. Make a work-appropriate joke. Giving a coworker a hard time about something completely inconsequential can be both funny and flirty, says Steinberg. Not to mention that McGill University researchers found letting out a hearty laugh—and even the occasional joyful whoop—can make you more memorable. Bonus: Laughter has been shown to boost immunity, improve mood, ease aches and relieve stress! Keep it verbal. In other words, don’t cross the line. Touching, making a sexual comment, or making a sexual gesture like undoing an extra button isn’t flirting—it’s seduction. And clearly, seduction and work aren’t a perfect couple: Not only does seducing colleagues make you look unprofessional, but it could cost you your job and even your career. Your best bet? Stick with your wit and warmth. “Charm alone, as long as it’s authentic, can be the most attractive trait a person can have, ” says Steinberg. More from Prevention: 6 New Ways To Beat Office Blues