Still, that’s nut butter circa 1999. Today, store shelves are stocked with products that contain cleaner ingredients—coconut oil in place of sketchy soybean oil, for example—and come in dozens of dessert-like flavors, from bourbon-spiked peanut butter to almond butter infused with crystalized ginger. Plus, every nut you can think of—cashews, walnuts, pistachios, pecans, macadamias, and we could go on—now comes in spreadable form. So, what’s next? Boosted nut butter—blends bulked up with ingredients like pea protein, green tea, and South American superfoods. Here, four things you need to know about the newest wave of ABs and PBs, plus eight products you’ll want stocked in your pantry ASAP.  MORE: Low-Sugar, Dairy-Free Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Swirl  Ice Cream

  1. They want to get you jacked. Good ol’ peanut butter packs 7–8 grams of protein per 2 Tbsp serving, which isn’t too shabby. Still, Earth Balance bulked up its new Protein Peanut Blend with pea protein to deliver 9 g of the muscle builder per serving, while Buff Bake Cinnamon Raisin Protein Peanut Spread pulls in whey protein for backup and offers 11 g protein per serving.
  1. They’ve got some sexy ingredients—but they might set you back $30 a jar. Even if you’re more likely to buy bags of spinach and frozen blueberries than you are to buy into the hype surrounding exotic superfoods, these bourgie nut butters will make you do a double take—they’re almost too pretty to eat. JEM’s organic sprouted almond butter offerings include Cinnamon Red Maca, which is touted to boost energy, and Superberry Maqui Camu, which gets a boost from two types of antioxidant-rich berries native to South America. The kicker: A 16 oz jar of either is $30. Similarly, Rawmio’s organic Superfood Spread’s got goji berries—along with almonds, hemp seeds, coconut sugar, and Himalayan pink sea salt—but a tiny 6 oz jar will run you $12.95.  MORE: 6 Nut Butter Flavors You Never Knew Existed
  2. They’re competing with your coffee and tea. By now you’ve probably heard the buzz—a company called Steem is selling caffeinated peanut butter. A 2 Tbsp serving delivers 170 mg of caffeine, roughly the same amount you’d get from two cups of java. For anybody looking for less of a jolt, Crazy Richard’s Pure PB+ is a caffeine-, sugar-, and salt-free PB that contains decaffeinated green tea extract for a milder energy boost. Stir the powdered version into your favorite morning smoothie for just 50 calories per serving, or grab the to-go version, the PB Burst. MORE: No- Bake Dessert: Chocolate, Almond Butter, and Banana Bites
  1. They’re not all spreadable supplements. And finally, some good news for nut butter purists! Popping up alongside the fanciest jars on supermarket shelves are some impressively simple products:Nuttzo’s Crunchy Power Fuel’s got everything but the kitchen sink—organic roasted cashews, organic roasted almonds, organic roasted brazil nuts, organic roasted flaxseed, organic roasted hazelnuts, organic roasted chia seeds, organic roasted pumpkin seeds, and sea salt—but no added oil or sugar. Still, the seriously satisfying spread doesn’t taste bland or feel chalky in the mouth like some no-added-anything nut butters do. Crazy Richard’s Pure PB has just one ingredient: peanuts that have been pressed to remove oil. The powdered product contains just 50 calories per 2 Tbsp serving can be added to smoothies and baked goods for a protein (6 g per serving) and flavor boost.