Researchers from the University of Toronto reviewed 30 previous studies that examined the relationship between activity and depression. They found that even 20 to 30 minutes of light aerobic exercise, such as walking or gardening, can protect against developing depression.  The review showed that it doesn’t even take the recommended 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week to protect against the blues, says study author George Mammen, a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto. The studies only looked at aerobic exercise, but Mammen says there’s a good chance that if walking and gardening can help, more strenuous activities like strength training or running would also decrease the risk of developing depression. More research will need to be done to find out why the link exists. “It is likely that no single mechanism explains such a preventive effect,” the researchers write. “Rather, a range of physiologic, biochemical, and psychosocial mechanisms most likely operate in concert, with the precise combination being unique.” Bottom line? Get moving today to feel awesome—and stay that way. Check out these 14 fun walking workouts, and keep your motivation strong with these 5 ways to excuse-proof your workout.