I strongly advocate the idea of mini-meals especially when you are so busy at work that you can’t take time to go to lunch. Bring healthy snacks to work—almonds, apples, string cheese, yogurt just to name a few. Mini-meals help you succeed on both mental and physical weight loss levels. Psychologically, mini-meals can help reduce cravings or poor food choices out of sheer hunger. Physically, eating small amounts every two to four hours helps to keep your blood sugar on an even keel and may even help your metabolism to keep burning at a higher rate. You say you work out regularly but are you doing any strength training? Muscle is the other secret to keeping your metabolism revved! Muscle eats more calories at a resting heart rate than body fat so the more muscle on your body, the more calories you burn daily whether you workout or not. Starting at around the age of 35, women start to lose ½ to 1 pound of muscle a year unless you are actively doing something to keep it up.  MORE: The Metabolism Miracle For Women Over 40