Booze We hate to be the bearers of more bad news, but alcohol is a known carcinogen. And whether your drink of choice is a glass of red wine, a cold beer, or a martini, the more alcohol you sip on a regular basis, the higher your risk for developing certain types of cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute. In fact, a study of more than 28,000 women found that every drink consumed per day was associated with a 12% increased risk for breast cancer. Other research found that a daily tipple ups your risk for colon cancer by 7%. MORE: 8 Things That Happen When You Stop Drinking Alcohol for 2 Weeks French fries and potato chips Here’s something you probably didn’t know: Potatoes contain an amino acid called asparagine. And when the spuds are fried, that asparagine produces a chemical called acrylamide. Acrylamide is used in the production of plastic and is also found in cigarette smoke, so it’s no surprise that it’s considered a probable carcinogen. In fact, the WHO says that high levels of acrylamide in food pose a “major concern.” Probably because studies show that having higher levels of acrylamide in your blood is associated with an increased risk for breast, endometrial, ovarian, and renal cancers.     Cereal and toast The potato isn’t the only food that produces acrylamide when cooked at high temps. It’s found in cooked grain products, like cereal and toast, as well. The American Cancer Society says it’s still unknown whether eating these foods will actually give you cancer—but they also say that if you want to cut your acrylamide intake, cutting back on toast and cereal might be one way to do so.   Salt, pickles, and salty fish If you like stuff that tastes good, you won’t like this. Salt, the thing that gives your food flavor (and, ahem, is necessary to stay alive), might give you cancer. A major analysis of seven studies that followed more than 268,000 people found that those who consumed the most salt have a 68% greater risk for developing stomach cancer compared to people who eat the least salt. Perhaps unsurprisingly, those who regularly ate super salty foods didn’t fare particularly well: Avid pickle fans are up to 27% more likely to get stomach cancer, while those who love salty fish (like lox, salt cod, or pickled herring) have a 24% increased risk. MORE: Still Cooking with Kosher? Everything You Need to Know about 6 Cleaner Salts Milk, eggs, chicken, and cheese When it comes to animal-based foods, bacon doesn’t deserve all the blame. Because according to one population-based study published last year, eating too much of any type of animal food will up your odds of getting cancer. The research found that people ages 50 to 65 who got at least 20% of their calories from animal-based protein were four times more likely to die from cancer compared to those who got less than 10% of their calories from animal-based protein.